

In this masterclass you will have an introduction to the centuries-old craft of shoemaking and make your own pair of shoes in the Fashion quarter in Arnhem, the Netherlands. This masterclass is perfect if you are a beginner wanting to learn this beautiful crafts. You will learn about the last (the block a shoe is made on), the shoe upper, the components that go into the shoe and will learn the techniques of hand lasting a shoe. You make the shoes that you’ve always wanted. In six days you will be guided through the entire process from design to a pair of handcrafted shoes. Experience is not required!

There will be a lot of personal attention and time for questions, so you can learn what you want.

€ 1250,- (lunch/good coffee/tea included, material excluded, lasts included)
Max. four participants

We will  start new courses on the following dates;

May 17th 2025 – FULL
August 30th 2025 – four places available

With two participants we can start right away. This course takes six days and will take place on Saturdays from 10 am till 5 pm. In consultation other dates are available too.

It was a great experience!

"Creativity and craftsmanship came together. Rosanne combines her sense of beauty and proportions with solid craftsmanship. I learned a lot and took a pair of beautiful and comfortable boots home. I come back for my second pair."

Head of education AMC
On to the second pair!

"I enjoyed cycling to Rosanne’s workshop seven Saturday mornings. Her passion for traditional shoe making is the first thing that strikes you during the instructions that my fellow student and I received. But also her knowledge and skills, her patience and professionalism are not to be missed. Step by step we got closer to the shoes I made. Shoes that I wear quite often."

Shoe making course by Studio Rosanne Bergsma
Workshop manager art academy

"I love to create something with my hands and I’m interested in shoes. Rosanne managed to convey her enthusiasm during these intensive days. My design was judged on the practicality, but the implementation was entirely up to me. I am proud of the end result!"

Municipal Official
I won't look at shoes the same ever again

"I really enjoyed this experience. It was super interesting to go through all the steps of shoe making and understand what skills and tools are required to make a pair. I won’t look at shoes the same way ever again. I had a fun and pleasant time."

Underwater welder